
Who we are

MSM 1888 registered with the RCS of PARIS under number 489 358 366
Siret : 48935836600024
APE : 5510Z
Share capital : 78.000.000,00 EURO
Intracommunity VAT no.: FR 92 489358366
Registered office: MSM1888 Grande rue 50170 Le Mont Saint-Michel
Email address: donneespersonnelles@merepoulard.fr
Fax : 0142614910

Site editor

The lemontsaintmichel.info website is published by Mon Agence Web SARL, a company registered in the Pontoise Trade and Companies Register under number 817 997 661 - SIRET: 817 997 661 00019, whose registered office is at 4 place de la Pergola - CS 70116 - 95021 CERGY PONTOISE cedex and whose telephone number is 09 70 44 08 64.


Site host: Oceanet Technology - Société par Actions Simplifiée with capital of 1,530,000.00 euros.
2, impasse Joséphine Baker - 44800 Saint-Herblain, France
Phone: +33 2 28 03 78 78

Photo credits

La Mère Poulard - Pixabay - Unsplash - Fotolia

Publishing Director